Commander Keen Poster

I was a serious hardcore gamer when a was a kid (bah, I’m still a gamer…) so I used to play for hours (if not days) until finish a entire game. And besides the 8-bit Nintendo, back in the early 90’s I love to play PC games too, old DOS games like Commander Keen, one of my favorites PC games of all time. 

I already have this game in mind on my “to do list” as a fan art poster, in fact last years was the 25th anniversary of the title but it couldn’t be possible until I was asked to be part of a collective art exhibit about science fiction that the idea came back.

Commander Keen had everything to do with Sci-Fi: A 8 yearl old genius kid that creates a spaceship, lots of aliens, an awesome ray gun, so that’s it.

And well, as I need some inspiration… I began to play again.