This personal portraits collection called Paperdolls started back at 2005 or 2006. I use a mix of styles between pop-art and comic for creating the portraits. This illustration series pass through the process of visual analysis, first with the use of traditional pencil drawing exercise that filters what I consider necessary to keep, to finally rendering a new character that sometimes belongs to a whole new reality and context.
The entire collection were on exhibit for a year and a half, from March 2010 and rotating in exhibits until August 2011.
All the illustrations starts from a reference photos of the model. Then I made a pencil sketch on my own style from the pictures, and when I got the pencils scanned, I make some vector drawing over the scanned pencils using the Pen-Tool and mouse-click. No tablets involved, nor tracing, no digital-filters or re-draws over a photo.
1. a paper or cardboard, usually two-dimensional, representation of the female human figure, used as a child’s toy, first known at the mid of the XVII century in France.
2. a connected series of doll-like figures cut from folded paper.