Illustrated Children's Book

“NAZCA, the adventures of Achiq and the golden mask” is a new illustrated children book I made, and that become part of the collection “marvels of Peru”.

We travel back in time to the Nazca’s land, seeing how they build their famous lines, walk through Cahuachi piramidal temple and join Achiq and the golden mask into a magical journey at the ancient desert and its spirits.

First I made the concept art of each character and scenarios starting from the script, all in pencil.

Once I got the characters done, I began to draw a sample artwork, with all characters and a mix of landscapes just to get my color palette ready. Then I made the sketches of the entire book, and once approved, I clean up the lines drawing in vector and finished adding the color using the chart I already made.

The book was released in hardcover size of 30cm x 22cm